28th July, 2011

Editor, Guardian, London

Dear Sir

Unlawful, undemocratic and unwise expulsion of Libyan diplomats


It cannot be legal for a foreign government to expel official diplomats who
have committed no crime and then hand their embassy over to rebels and
traitors (Britain cuts last ties with Gaddafi, 28 July). Nor can it be
legal to grab financial assets of a state and dispose of them at will,
without consulting their owners. And it cannot be legal to spontaneously
award diplomatic and financial preference to a bunch of rebels with scant
democratic credentials, unknown credibility and doubtful potential. Not
only is this action unlawful and unprecedented, it has the hallmarks of
unilateral, rogue dictatorship of international affairs. It also focuses on
the real plot behind the over-throw of Libya's government; to grab their
major assets, oil, gold and cash. What a disgrace for the UK to be party
to. It is likely to be counter-productive because even if the legitimate
government is terrorized or murdered out of office by NATO bombs and
sabotage there will be considerable resentment amongst those Libyans loyal
to the Qaddafi regime, over half the country in my experience.

Yours sincerely

Dr James B Thring  (founder Ministry of Peace & Legal Action Against War)