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Israeli War Crimes in Gaza - worse than the Holocaust

Dr James Thring writes to
Channel 4's Jon Snow

22nd Jan 2009

Dear Jon

Congratulations on your focused revelations of the Israeli Massacre of Gaza which they tried to stop the world from seeing. It was a conspiracy to murder a group of people.

You have shown, in your customary balanced fashion, the indiscriminate mass murder and maiming of a whole population. It is not only a disgraceful series of War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity. The deliberate destruction of an ethnic, religious or national group, in whole or in part, is defined by the Geneva Conventions as Genocide.

Drastic action is needed before these despicable crimes are repeated.

It is the worst example of cruel inhumanity the world has yet seen:

Worse than the holocaust, where fighter bombers were not used on civilians and which was over in 5 years;

Worse than Iraq where at least people were not so caged in;

Worse than Zimbabwe, Rwanda or Apartheid South Africa where again there was no carpet bombing with chemical weapons;

Far worse than Georgia;

Far worse than Guantanamo Bay;

Immeasurably worse than Tiananmon Square.

The Zionist regime must be arraigned. It should be dismantled and buried. Stalin gave Jews a homeland in East Russia, Birobidjan, where 200,000 have lived since 1928.

The most civilized way to end this serial Genocide, because Israel is clearly deaf to persuasion, is for every conscientious government to start immediate proceedings against Olmert, Livni, Barak, Netanyahu et al. in national courts under the Geneva Conventions, which oblige States Party to take action when such crimes are committed, whether the criminal state has signed up or not. The felons can be arrested when they land.

Of course, the UN Security Council should resolve to refer the massacre to the International Court of Justice and apply immediate restrictions on suspects' movement as well as their trade, finance and armaments, under Chapter V11 of the Charter which invokes the threat of military blockade if all else fails. Art.27 of the Charter provides for dismissing Parties to the dispute such as the USA.

If this is frustrated by Zionist blackmail, the General Assembly can set up an International War Crimes Tribunal on Israel as outlined by Prof Francis Boyle.

Yours with admiration

Dr James B Thring




for further sections of Channel 4's Unseen Gaza follow the links below:

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

see also Lady Renouf's letter on the BBC's Gaza betrayal and Holocaust Memorial Day